In the medical field, am I being heard?

The main background is light blue with a yellow statoscope and two red hearts, one of which has a white medical cross inside. The text says, In the medical field, am I being heard? The Living With Disabilities Advocacy website

    Greetings from the Living With Disabilities Advocacy website. First and foremost, the host, Katrina Smith, is a multi-talented person who has written six books in total, including two cookbooks and four poetry collections. She is now writing an autobiography and a self-help book. Her favorite things to do are write and read. One word would best define Katrina: determined. She doesn't let cruel remarks determine her destiny, no matter what obstacles she may face.

People with disabilities embark on unique journeys, overcoming obstacles in their path. 

 The purpose of this page is to raise awareness about disabilities and conditions.

 Any advice you read on this website should be sought out from a certified professional counselor or healthcare provider.

Living With Disabilities will recap some of the events of 2023 and provide an opportunity for readers and listeners to reflect on them. Let's take some time to engage and have an online conversation because your voice truly matters. 

Humans come in many shapes and sizes, and they might be born with or develop any sort of disability or condition. Having accommodations as well as being inclusive are crucial. Therefore, disability-related lifestyle will be reflected. Going back to Are We Being Heard? Inclusion matters and Disabled Rights Are Civil Rights 

 Do you feel you have been heard when it comes to your health in the healthcare system, and what gaps have you continued to face that need to be addressed ASAP? This has been an ongoing issue for people with disabilities. Some may talk about it in the open, and others may keep their medical struggles to themselves and continue to voice themselves directly to their healthcare provider.  

As indicated by Health Affairs, other chronic conditions were categorized as having the highest rates of exclusion (93 percent), psychiatric (68 percent), substance use (62 percent), HIV or hepatitis (53 percent), and cognitive or intellectual (42 percent) domains; the lowest frequencies of exclusion were coded as visual (34 percent), hearing (10 percent), and mobility (9 percent). Why do you think that when it comes to a person with these disabilities or conditions, exclusion happens? Every individual should have access to adequate healthcare and be treated by a medical professional who genuinely listens to their concerns. Medical practitioners should not prioritize prescribing medication for personal financial gain, as a patient's life is not something that should be risked or gambled with.

"Let's discuss the rights of individuals who have a disability or medical condition." Accommodations are a part of civil rights. Without them, the needs of those who require accommodations cannot be met. Whether it be in a workspace, school, or even the medical office, No matter where a person goes, make sure their needs are met." When you make sure a person's needs are met, you are closing the door on excluding them while sealing the gap in your system.

  Individuals with disabilities must have a voice. Take a stand and advocate for yourself and others.

What are some of the issues that you have yet to resolve? However, you hope for a shift in 2024. What actions are you taking to get there, or what actions do you require assistance with to attempt to fix the issue? 

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