
First, welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website. It's run by none other than Katrina Smith, a person with a learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities. Tranabled is a topic that Living With Disabilities wishes to discuss. About this subject, Living with Disabilities is fired up. Living With Disabilities needs to discuss this subject while also stepping outside our comfort zone for the following reasons. Let's define the term "transabled" for our listeners and readers who are on the other side of the Cyberworld. A person who is able-bodied must change his or her capacity to become impaired. Do transabled persons now fall under the umbrella of the disabled community? And why is this a conversation point? The temperature is rising to that of hell. Does BIID ( Body Integrity Identity Disorder )even qualify as being a disability? This topic is heartbreaki...