What Would Happen to Special Education?


A plain piece of paper with a decorative ribbon and scissors placed on top indicates a creative endeavor. The text on the paper and ribbon says, What Would Happen to Special Education? The Living with Disabilities Advocacy Website.

    Hello everyone, let's begin a new article and Podcast episode off on a great start. I'm Katrina from Living with Disabilities. You're tuned into the Living with Disabilities advocacy website dedicated to helping people comprehend the disabled community. The core purpose of our website is to assist society in recognizing the full range of various disabilities and conditions. Accessibility is a key component of this understanding. Without accessibility, there's exclusion. This week, we'll share about one of the top five projects that would hurt individuals with disabilities.

 Before we begin, please remember that the Living with Disabilities Advocacy website and podcast are intended for educational only Host Katrina is not liable for any actions taken without consulting a counselor or healthcare provider The content and information provided on site do not substitute professional advice. Always consult your licensed counselor or healthcare provider taking any action based on the information found here.

    Living with Disabilities will discuss the top five projects that could negatively impact individuals with disabilities in stages and provide their feedback at the end. We also invite you to share your opinions, whether you are an individual with a disability or a guardian/caregiver of someone with a disability. Your voice matters and needs to be heard loud and clear. 
 Some individuals in the United States are deeply concerned about the implications of President-elect Donald J. Trump's second term in office. They have every right to feel this way, as their health is at stake. No one should ever dictate how another person should feel, as stated by Living with Disabilities. 

 Instead of progressing, we appear to be regressing, and the host of Living with Disabilities will express her concerns as addresses these issues later. 

 If Mother of Advocacy was alive today, Judy Huemann, we could hear her voice speaking up on all the hard work she and her buddies at Camp Jened. Why are we regressing rather than progressing in the educational system? 
 People with disabilities had to put in a lot of extra hours to make their voices heard back in the 1970s, and here they are in 2025 still advocating for what is lacking in parts of society that should come naturally. 

    If the plan for Special Education were to be reversed, it would significantly hinder students who rely on accommodations. These students would struggle immensely without the necessary support, impeding their progress toward achieving their IEP goals. Not every student with a disability can advance on a standard diploma, and not all are expected to graduate on time with their peers. Let's take note that not all students who are held back one grade before moving forward are failures when this happens. 

 A student who is held back one grade could be due to numerous reasons, unlike a regular education student. What can cause a student with a disability to be held back? Consider their learning level, if their academic performance falls significantly below the grade level, despite receiving appropriate accommodations and interventions outlined in their individualized education plan.
 Ensuring that their accommodations are met is crucial so that they can achieve their goals on their Individual Standardized Plans and graduate with their peers.

 If you do not have a disability or condition, take some time to step outside of your own perspective and understand a person who lives with their disability or condition regularly. It is not like taking off shoes or hanging up your jacket. Some individuals acquire them either earlier or later in life, and these are often permanent. Consequently, there is no universal guidebook. Each person with a disability or condition manages differently. The same is true when they are in school and require accommodations.

     What would life be like if accommodations were eliminated from schools? Students who require accommodations may struggle academically and have difficulty graduating with their peers. Consequently, this would result in a longer time in school for them to attain the necessary grades for graduation. 

When it comes to special education and who requires it, there is a significant "if" factor. As previously mentioned, living with disabilities requires
 that some will need special education services to graduate with their peers If they do not receive these, they may be held back until they achieve the necessary grade for graduation.

 As stated by Education Week, there is no evidence that the IEPS will be removed. They go on to say that the number of students nationwide who are protected has doubled since then approximately 7.5 million, or 15 percent of the overall K-12 population. IDEA provides billions of dollars for schools nationwide to students and establishes procedures for parents to hold schools accountable in court when they fail to meet their obligations.

What do you think will happen to the special education system when President-elect Donald Trump takes office?

 The host, Katrina, will share her thoughts on what she feels would happen. Some of what she has picked up on from Donald Trump's last presidency and the behavior he has shown towards the Disabled community. 

How could he mock a person with a disability during his first presidential campaign? He clearly demonstrated a lack of respect towards individuals with disabilities, displaying ableist behavior. Is that the kind of person you want leading this country? He shows a lack of compassion for individuals with disabilities. Let us consider the situation and hope for the best, but in life, there is a concept known as karma. It operates like a boomerang, and negative karma often befalls those who commit wrongdoings initially. 
  While millions of Americans move about their day, some people draw huge concerns above their heads because not only about their health, but some are also concerned about education, and the social economics of people with disabilities. Including the families of those who are critically ill.

 If you believe in prayers, God, or the highest power, won't allow America which he has created be destroyed. It took the mother of Advocacy to raise her voice, along with many others who joined her, to ensure that their concerns were heard. She would want the disabled community to continue the work she started and to persevere until meaningful change is achieved. Whether it be rallying outdoors in front of different places, continue to voice your concerns. Whether it be behind closed doors, at a doctor's office, or at a school, know your voice has the magic power to get things done.  
 Everyone who has significant concerns deserves to express them and should have a platform to do so, whether in a one-on-one conversation or a group setting. 

Living with Disabilities wants you to know that we are here to listen. We understand that your voice is your most powerful tool, so we encourage you to share your thoughts with us.            


 Reference links

The Top 5 Ways Project 2025 Would Hurt Disabled People - Center for American Progress

How Trump's Policies Could Affect Special Education


Podcast link


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