Inclusivity Matters

The peach background in the second background is reddish brown. with two abstract images. The text says inclusivity Matters. Living With Disabilities.

    Welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy website. First and foremost. Self-published author Katrina Smith, a person of many accomplishments, has written six volumes in total: two cookbooks and four collections of poetry. Her favorite activities include reading and writing. Katrina would be described by one word: determined. Despite any challenges she may encounter, she does not let unkind comments decide her fate.

 If you're a new visitor to this advocacy website, this page's goal is to increase public understanding of those who live with disabilities and other conditions. We suggest that anything you read on this site you seek out a licensed professional counselor or healthcare provider.

   This week, Living With Disabilities will touch base on how to include people with disabilities.

  The phrase "the struggle is real" has been used frequently, and it is true. Are people with disabilities being included more in things or are we being ignored when it comes to inclusivity in this world?

    When new opportunities for people with disabilities exist, has anyone been keeping an eye on the level of inclusion? If there aren't enough people opening their doors to opportunity, we'll have to wait some more. 

 We are discussing previous schoolwork programs. After four years of high school, students are placed in vocational training for two years, during which time they study more about life skills and prepare to enter the workforce. students receive assistance from a job coach rather than merely going to work on their own. These employment coaches are there if they need assistance, not to complete their tasks for them. They are left on their own once they have completed their vocational training.

 How can you start your quest to provide the possibilities that individuals with disabilities have been waiting for? looking from the inside out is the first step. Just as you went to school to study, keep in mind that they did too, and they are aware that they must apply just like everyone else. The only thing that might need accommodations is making sure that everyone who enters your doors, regardless of how they appear on the outside, is a perfectly capable human being like everyone else. 

 Observe how you welcome them; if you approach them from the inside out, your tone will be cordial and your expression will be humble. It's improper to manage a person or a person with a disability in general by glaring at them and maintaining an offensive facial expression.

As each person differs, so will their accommodations, therefore it depends on the individual what might be required of a person with a disability.

Before we discuss what makes a reasonable accommodation, consider the needs of any coworkers who have kids or who you know have kids. What might make their lives more manageable? And when we say it's simple, we don't mean that everything in life will be simple. We're discussing it to help them move around their workspace. like any other individual. 

What are reasonable accommodations, if this does not impose any hardship, a person with a disability will share with you those accommodations. As their accommodations are private and only shared with the hiring manager, that company's manager, and themselves. We'll discuss a few modifications in this section, but first, another notetaker: Not everyone enrolls in vocational education programs. Accommodations that might be required, a job coach, an accessible bathroom, desk adjustments, etc. 

We don't want a path that leads to a mountain of rocks; we want a path that leads to success. We're going to analyze this and explain why a path to success, not a mountain of obstacles, is necessary for persons with disabilities. You create negative karma for yourself when you make unfavorable observations, and your mood will reflect that. If you wish to grow, be compassionate and open-minded when learning from someone who has a disability. All of this relates to accommodations. Everything has to do with accommodation. You develop when you incorporate others. That could be difficult, but it won't hurt as much as it would if you excluded people. It shouldn't break the bank to spend a little extra or a little more on accommodations.

🆕Living With Disabilities Presents: The Advocacy Table

a space created for people with disabilities to be able to have freedom of speech and talk on different topics surrounding the disability community. To get more details, check out The Advocacy Table. To become a panelist, Write into the show and let the host know what topic you want to talk about. She will then send out a group email to all panelists after the show has reached five or ten people. After the show, a survey will be emailed to you, and we would love to get your feedback.

If you need online support, Disability Safe Haven is great for receiving support. The We Care Team is very protective of its members and asks everyone who joins, to have a profile picture and answer the security questions. 

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