Living With Disabilities Response to Candace Owens
Welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy website. First and foremost. Self-published author Katrina Smith, a person of many accomplishments, has written six volumes in total: two cookbooks and four collections of poetry. Her favorite activities include reading and writing. Katrina would be described by one word: determined. Despite any challenges she may encounter, she does not let unkind comments decide her fate.
If you're a new visitor to this advocacy website, this page's goal is to increase public understanding of those who live with disabilities and other conditions. We suggest that anything you read on this site you seek out a licensed professional counselor or healthcare provider.
This week, Living With Disabilities will touch base on Candace Owen's remark on disability inclusion and people with physical disabilities.
We visited Ms. Owen's website to learn more about her before tackling and responding. She was born with a blocked tear duct. A condition where tears cannot come out. And as we all know, conditions fall under the umbrella of disabilities.
Is there a fire that will spark a backlash in response to Candace Owens' recent remarks on disability inclusion? Please pardon our French; this is F-up. First thing first, an abled body person can in their lifetime become disabled, Whether mentally or physically disabled. And a disability isn't always permanent.
People with disabilities shouldn't hold back when it comes to speaking up because it's going to get hot in here. Civil rights apply to people with disabilities. They can accomplish and become anything we desire in this world because of civil rights.
You have demonstrated to the entire world that discrimination against a person with a physical disability who uses a mobility device is illegal. We're writing an article on this to clarify the air since we have a right to defend ourselves. But Mrs. Owens, we're not OK. What you did was just Fing ridiculous. Why would they act in that way? Have you ever heard of "scrolling" or "changing the channel," and are you aware that you have a choice? Similar situation here: individuals with disabilities have the option to become models and the right to do so. Can this query become popular for a little moment or two? What harm has a wheelchair user caused you? Let's answer that query. This is fucking ridiculous.
Let's give a reason why Kim Kardashian's underwear line Skims may have chosen a person in a wheelchair to model for her company. Like all human beings need undergarments. So, do people with physical disabilities need undergarments too? And this underwear is made accessible because they clasp at the side. The reason for this is that not everyone who uses a wheelchair can move in and out of their chair. Some people in wheelchairs have paralysis, which makes it hard to move the lower part of their body to put clothing on.
We want to Thank Kim Kardashian for looking out for people with disabilities and allowing them to model for clothing lines. Rather than giving them a walking ticket and having them go on their way.
Kim is a prime example of what more business companies need to do. Including rather than excluding.
Honey, you're receiving the information you asked for on this, and Candace, the volume is definitely up. On this globe, everyone needs assistance in some way. Disability is included in this. Also, nobody should be forced to work behind a desk. Everyone needs to earn a living. Now just imagine Social Security covering our daily costs. We need work, and if modeling were our chosen profession, we would do it to make a living.
You're one of the millions who live in the disabled community, and for you to downgrade a person who's in a wheelchair is unacceptable. You wouldn't like it if the tables were to turn.
a space created for people with disabilities to be able to have freedom of speech and talk on different topics surrounding the disability community. To get more details, check out The Advocacy Table. To become a panelist, Write into the show and let the host know what topic you want to talk about. She will then send out a group email to all panelists after the show has reached five or ten people. After the show, a survey will be emailed to you, and we would love to get your feedback.
If you need online support, Disability Safe Haven is great for receiving support. The We Care Team is very protective of its members and asks everyone who joins, to have a profile picture and answer the security questions.
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