Employment discrimination

Wheelchair logo the text says employment discrimination Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website

  First, welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website. It's run by none other than Katrina Smith, who's a person with a learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities.

  Today, Living With Disabilities wants to talk about Employment discrimination. 

  By a show of hands, how many of you have watched the Netflix documentary "Crip Camp"? If you have not watched it, Living With Disabilities will break down the most important aspects of this documentary. So, you can check it out for yourself.

   In the early 1970s, a group of teenagers with different disabilities experienced a future of formed isolation, judgment, and harmonization.

  It's time to load your backpack and stand outdoors waiting for the bus because it's time to get schooled through the Crip Camp syllabus.

  This group of teenagers addressed power and disability rights, power and civil rights, ableism language and power, political privilege and power. They began standing for what is right, and some have listened while others are still slacking. And that is why this article is being done today.

The cracks in the employment system need to be looked at for people with disabilities. If you are a hiring manager and a person comes into your workspace for a job, note that the potential employee will fill every part of your application. UHM! The three little boxes asking if they are a disabled Veteran... 

 You are asking a very personal question here, and it is up to the potential employee whether they want to disclose that information on the resume. Generally, if they have a hidden disability because a hidden disability can not be seen. And normally, hidden disabilities, come with more issues. The same goes for physical disabilities too. But, generally, most of a person who is physically disabled is noticeable. This is a clear red flag if you're a hiring manager and won't hire a person because they're disabled.

 They check the box that applies to their situation. Wait two to three business days for a reply back. There is no callback. So, in their mind, they call to see their status, and that's when the news is given or they're told to keep calling. Including a phone interview and being turned down from that. Both scenarios are true events; Katrina actually dealt with these.

There is something really wrong when it comes to trying to apply for a job. It's either the business itself or the people who are in charge of hiring people to work for them.

The Ada extends equivalent employment opportunities to fully include people with disabilities. Because this work to carry out the American Disability Act. The department of justice is decomposition obstacles to employment for people with disabilities. As stated by  United States Department of Justice civil rights division (ADA.gov)

 People with disabilities should be treated fairly, as all jobs should follow the ADA law. And quite frankly some businesses will not hire because of a person with a disability. Is this right?  of course not.

What is classified as discrimination?

  •  Not providing reasonable accommodation for a person.
  •  Harassing a person due to their disability.
  •  Not hiring a person because of their disability.
  • Judging based on Race, sexual preference.

How to report disability discrimination?

You can file a complaint with The United States Department of Justice, The American Disability Act. against a state or local government or public accommodation. These places included, Restaurants, Doctor's offices, retail stores, hotels, and the list processed from there.

How to Reach out to the United States Department of Justice?

  • Mail 
  • Online
  • Fax

US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section
Washington, DC 20530 



 (202) 307-1197

Now that you have the contact information, you will need to know more and how you can reach out to the United States Department of Justice with "how" questions.

 A. Know when to write the letter

  1. Gather evidence of an offense.
  2. Contact the company or the person that wronged you.
  3. Collect evidence that they denied you.
Seeking satisfaction 

The Attorney General should only be used as a last option. Even if you do contact the Attorney General, you'll need to show that you addressed the corporation in question first and that they refused to correct their mistake. Before writing to the Attorney General, always take this course.

B. Letter of client complaint disclose

  1. Reporting employer violation law.
  2. Illegal wage.
  3. Public safety risk in products.
C. Whom to compose the letter to?

  1. If you are the customer, write the letter to the business directly.
  2. The public prosecutor of state or region. (If position exists)
  3. the public prosecutor or county.

Make a client complaint

Billing concerns, warranties, health-care complaints, privacy violations, contracts, consumer complaints, and illegal wage practices are all examples of situations that would justify such a letter. If you've tried contacting the group responsible for the unfair practice and gotten no response, the next step might be to submit a letter to the Attorney General.

Instead of writing to the US Attorney General, you should write to your state's Attorney General.
If it is a matter of widespread public concern, the Attorney General will very certainly become involved. However, by submitting a letter, you may be able to add fresh evidence to an existing case or alert the Attorney General to a new problem.

 D. Letter of protection

 1. reporting fraud execution of the law.
2. Someone who should be sued.

3. Unlawful lawsuit.

checking authority

seek the exact laws

is the exact log covered by the attorney general office?

File protection.

You can compose a letter of protection as long as you are displeased with the federal or state legal policy. Submitting such a letter, make sure it addresses the relevant jurisdictions. Send a letter to the State attorney general work county issues.

Writing a letter of concern to the Attorney General should be the execution of the laws, not the legislation itself. If you believe that the government should be prosecuting someone but isn't you should write the attorney general. 

Utilize a resource of legal information institute to search if there is a state or federal statutes addressing your area of interest to determine if you should write to the state or US attorney general. Cases involving national security or civil rights should be referred to the US attorney general in general.

Unsure you should write?

Reach out to the attorney general through phone or online form.

Inquiry for advice

What department must you write to?

how must you structure a letter?

If a person without a disability has a chance to succeed in the workplace, People with disabilities have the right to the same opportunities as everyone else. This is the time to close the door to discrimination against people with disabilities.

Work cited page
How to File an ADA Complaint with the Department of Justice



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