Disability Under Influences

Two champagne glass, one is laying on its side, the other one is filled with champagne. The text says Disability Under Influences, Living With Disabilities Advocacy website.

  First, welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website. It's run by none other than Katrina Smith, who's a person with a learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities.

    Before getting into today's topic, Living With Disabilities says: Do not allow the name to bamboozle you. 

  Today, Living With Disabilities wants to talk about disabilities caused by drinking under the influence. This topic is very sensitive for the host to write about. But, She'll pull herself together and deliver the message to you.

Is it possible for driving to cause a disability

Accidents can happen to anyone on the road or in the workplace, and they can result in serious injuries and disability. A neck sprain is referred to as whiplash. Whiplash isn't the only type of injury that can occur when driving; there are a variety of other injuries that can occur.

Automobile accidents kill and injure more people than any other type of accident. Car accidents are the leading cause of head injuries.

 What are the different types of head injuries caused by car accidents?


 It's one of the most common types of brain damage. A head injury might cause temporary unconsciousness or confusion.


A bruise is a broken blood vessel in an area of damaged tissue or skin. This results in tissue discoloration.

Diffuse Axonal

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) is when the brain shifts inside the skull while the injury is being inflicted. Axon is the name of the brain fiber.


When an object penetrates the brain, it is one of the most common injuries.


A traumatic brain injury affects both sides of the brain. When the brain experiences a sudden movement within the skull, it causes this condition.

Acquired Brain Injury

Blood loss, chest issues, lungs and rib damage, and throat injury all contribute to this condition. This has the potential to lead straight to the brain. There is such a shortage of blood.
Car accidents can cause long-term disability. What are the different types of long-term disabilities?

  • Back and Neck Injuries
  • Severe Burns
  • Psychological trauma continues
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
  • Learning Disability (LD)
  • Dissertation of legs 
  • sensory loss, including Deafness or Blindness.
According to Living With Disabilities, "driving a car isn't the only way a disability can occur. A motorcycle, a bicycle, a truck, and a pedestrian are all examples of modes of types of mobility. Not all disabilities are visual; some can be hidden.

And s
ome disabilities are only temporary.

  • Whiplash
  • concession
  • broken bone
  • Torn muscles
  • Torn ligament or connective tissue
  • Spinal damage that can be repaired
 visual disabilities.

  • one paralyzed limb
  • one arm and the leg paralyzed on one side of the body.
  • both legs and lower body paralyzed
  • both arms and legs paralyzed

A disability, whether physical or mental, can impact anyone at any age. Always remember to drink responsibly. When you decide to go behind the wheel, your life and the lives of countless others are on the line. Especially if you irresponsibly consume alcohol. 



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