Being Called an Inspiration

Stars, two people on the left is a person with a service dog, on the right a lady in a wheelchair. both people are on the bottom of the picture. The text reads Being called an Inspiration, The Living with Disabilities Advocacy Website

 First, welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website. It's run by none other than Katrina Smith, who's a person with a learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities.
 Today Living With Disabilities wants to talk about being called an Inspiration.
 When it comes to people with a disability, out in society will call us an inspiration.  Why are we as people with disability an inspiration to you? will leave you to ponder on that for a few before continuing. 
 Some people find it to be offensive. Like, why do you see us as a person with a disability as inspiration? What is it about our disability that inspires you? 
 Here are some seven reasons why not to call a person with a disability an Inspiration.
1. it's an insult. Like, mentioned before it's offensive. this is not a compliment. more than anything you will get a raised eyebrow. 

2. using this word forces on obstacles, people with disabilities face. * What obstacles do you see that abled bodies can do? There are no obstacles in our way, we can do the same thing an abled-body person can do.

3. Using this word towards a child, states this child can't overcome obstacles. And like mentioned we can do the same thing as abled-bodies can do.

4. when it comes to an adult, it states that they're a child. 

5. It comes off as if we can't have a relationship. * We're no different from an abled-body person.

6. It comes off as if we're slow, or as society likes to use the term "Retarded". We're not slow and we're not Retarded. And quite frankly Katrina gets furious over the word "Retarded."

7. Lastly, it states that we're all the same. and this is not the case at all. in other words, we as a disabled community have the same disability and that is not true. We're all different and have different challenges. 

Unlike some people with disabilities who find using the word Inspiration, some don't mind being called Inspiration. And Katrina will share her side of why she does not mind others calling her an inspiration.

I have been called an Inspiration outside of my community, and I take it as a compliment because when I'm being called this word, people who are using this word explain to me why. So, when other people don't explain why they call me an inspiration, I have what others have told me stuck in my mind. Yes, I don't mind being called an inspiration. But, I hope those who chose to call me inspiration have good intentions on why they see me as an inspiration. 

Lesson: It's best to ask and give a reason why you prefer to call a person with a disability an Inspiration. Is it because of the work they have done, and you are impressed, Why are you impressed by their work? you need to explain. And this leads back to an article we have discussed before keeping the communication door open.

Picture made by Canva


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