
Showing posts from December, 2021

Being Called an Inspiration

 First, welcome to the Living With Disabilities Advocacy Website. It's run by none other than Katrina Smith, who's a person with a learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities.   Today Living With Disabilities wants to talk about being called an Inspiration.  When it comes to people with a disability, out in society will call us an inspiration.  Why are we as people with disability an inspiration to you? will leave you to ponder on that for a few before continuing.   Some people find it to be offensive. Like, why do you see us as a person with a disability as inspiration? What is it about our disability that inspires you?   Here are some seven reasons why not to call a person with a disability an Inspiration.   1. it's an insult. Like, mentioned before it's offensive. this is not a compliment. more than anything you will get a raised eyebrow.  2. using this word fo...

Living With Disabilities: Sean Dineen


Healthcare Stew

First welcome to the Living With Disabilities, Advocacy website  and it's run by no other, Katrina Smith, who's a person with a Learning disability. Her mission behind Living With Disabilities is to bring awareness to all people with disabilities. Today Living With Disabilities wants to talk about Healthcare.  People with disabilities face many obstacles when it comes to dealing with healthcare providers and healthcare insurance. People with disabilities face many obstacles to receiving good health care and are more likely than people who are able-bodied. Why do people with disabilities have to fight for better healthcare? It leaves the host, Katrina Smith, speechless. But, Living With Disabilities will get to the bottom of this for sure.  Living With Disabilities knows that many people who are disabled have to fight hard for better health care due to prejudice in the healthcare system. And this falls in the line of ableism. Like if people with medical needs could not get...