Overcoming barriers with a disability
Living is like building blocks, when you have a dream of being coming something, you create goals in reaching towards them. And then you have moments when something gets in the way of your goals. The effect of when that dream will fall is like a building block, we call these falling building blocks barriers.
Living With Disabilities says: How can people with disabilities break through these barriers? We'll give you strategies on how you can break through any barrier no matter what is going on. Social, Physical, and Mental, the first thing we'll tell you is: you can overcome them through time. No! it won't always happen right away. But, through time you will overcome them.Social barriers strategies
Here is one issue that people with disabilities deal with, when it comes to becoming social in the public, Some of us tend to shut down because we're afraid of society judging us. So, how can we overcome shyness or become introverted around others? Technology, plays a major role for some of us, talking behind the screen is easier, it eases our nerves due to nervousness. So, when we do face society it becomes easy for us because having technology has helped us with talking. How has technology helped? People with disability, use it to build a new friendship, for most of us don't have access to getting out and meeting others. So, technology becomes our social tool in creating friendship. Creating friendship online is less stressful for us, we can talk through messenger, or other social platforms.
The next step to breaking through the social barriers: Breathing Exercises, breath in for a count of five, and breathing out for a count of five. Talking can become a very tense situation for some of us, due to shyness or introversion. Sometimes all we need do is take a deep breath to settle within ourselves, to become comfortable with our surroundings. Doing these breathing exercises help with stress, relieves any type of tension you might have on your mind. Especially, when you deal with anxiety, taking a deep breath can help you overcome them.
Like, The author of Outlier's, Summary of Blink and Talking to strangers, Malcolm Gladwell said, We can not make it anywhere on our own. Gladwell's way of thinking is 100% correct, another way of breaking the barriers is through Support systems. Joining different support teams is always a good way of breaking down boundaries when it comes to socializing. Therefore, when it comes to talking there are three different strategies that can help, Technology, Breathing Exercises, and having a support system when it comes to talking.
Mental barriers Strategies
Here is another issue that can become a burden for people with disabilities, and it's not just for people with mental issues. But, for all people with disabilities. For instance, Emotional break down's is very hard for people in general. Especially, people with disabilities. Katrina who lives with a mental disability can share her tip's on how to break through the barriers, and when she shares them it doesn't mean all of them will work because some may work for some more than others.
Katrina says have you ever taken the time to glance far out into the distance. Like, stand still while watching traffic with one thought in mind? What is that one thought and how are you going to make it happen? figuring thing's out with mental issues can be very hard at times. But, let's not dwell on the severity of your obstacle because dwelling on it, creates a much bigger problem. Let's take this obstacle that you find hard to push through, and make it a task for task, step by step. Like a jigsaw puzzle, if you must say, it takes time to put it together. So, does breaking through emotional barriers.
How can we break through an emotional barrier that's the issue here, the number one step is having faith within yourself knowing you will become successful. Letting go of self-doubt, your fear of not enough. As we all call it self sabotage. Turn your sabotage thoughts into empowerment, you have to empower yourself before you can empower others. Two, always know your purpose of what you want to do, if you want to be an actor, do thing's that will get you to where you need to become an actor. three, feeling comfortable within yourself, finding your comfort zone does take time for some. So, don't rush yourself if you are not comfortable within yourself because that's where mistake's come out. And Katrina's not saying mistake's what makes you perfect, she means those mistakes are to be taken as a learning tool. Therefore, you can sob and talk to someone about these errors. But, don't pack them up with you to take on your journey. Four, Katrina is a sucker for this one. But, that's okay because everyone will have that moment of being sensitive over some things. Learning how to pack up the sensitivity on a train and send it on a trip to Hawaii. And next is taking time out for yourself. This is how Katrina works on her emotional barriers, and if she can do it, she knows the next person can too.
How can we break through an emotional barrier that's the issue here, the number one step is having faith within yourself knowing you will become successful. Letting go of self-doubt, your fear of not enough. As we all call it self sabotage. Turn your sabotage thoughts into empowerment, you have to empower yourself before you can empower others. Two, always know your purpose of what you want to do, if you want to be an actor, do thing's that will get you to where you need to become an actor. three, feeling comfortable within yourself, finding your comfort zone does take time for some. So, don't rush yourself if you are not comfortable within yourself because that's where mistake's come out. And Katrina's not saying mistake's what makes you perfect, she means those mistakes are to be taken as a learning tool. Therefore, you can sob and talk to someone about these errors. But, don't pack them up with you to take on your journey. Four, Katrina is a sucker for this one. But, that's okay because everyone will have that moment of being sensitive over some things. Learning how to pack up the sensitivity on a train and send it on a trip to Hawaii. And next is taking time out for yourself. This is how Katrina works on her emotional barriers, and if she can do it, she knows the next person can too.
Physical barriers strategies
Lastly, we want to tackle the physical part of overcoming barriers. And this can happen with every person who has a disability. Including, people without disabilities as well. But, we want to focus more on people with disabilities because Katrina wants to empower people with disabilities, letting them know that they're not alone when living with a disability. Let's get straight to the physical part of getting to the next step in life.
There are so many physical barriers that can break us more than able bodies can imagine. And this is where we as a person with a disability have to share these issues on how it can break us more than they can imagine. But, it's better for us to hold back in words to show the world the capabilities. despite, what can be seen on the outside. Therefore, society please listen to how people with disabilities can move around this world and break all physical barriers.
There are so many reasons for not being physically active. Here's the list from a person who lives with a disability whether Physically or Mentally. We all need one thing. Like, able bodies need it as well. What is that one thing we all need? Activities. The first step into understanding a person with a disability would bring you back to socializing, if you can't talk with a person to understand what they need, you have created a barrier in communicating with them. And this hurt's a person with a disability. So, we'll let you know that's a DON"T! You want to keep that door opened because that's the most important part of understanding us. What is some suggestion for overcoming physical barriers?
Create a daily activities schedule and, spend at least five to 30 minutes time slot. Add in physical exercise like, walking or riding a bike and etc... We're back to the beginning again, Support system, Support system help's with physical activity, and with that comes building friendship …
What are some barriers you have overcome? Let's talk about them in the comments.
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