What's wrong with the ADA?
Society can really take you on a rollercoaster ride, when it comes to advocating for yourself or others dealing with mental or physical disabilities, not only that but dealing with Accessible.
When it comes to living in society, people with disabilities are no different from able bodies, the only difference here is the capacity for people with disabilities. Each person's needs are different and some may be the same. But, when it comes to adventuring outdoors. Like, Restaurants, Parking spaces, Public restrooms, and the whole nine yards. Let's make that the size of a football field--nine yards don't really give you any space here to fix any of the cracks that need refurbishing. Like, ASAP.
President George H.W Bush, signed the Americans With Disabilities Act 31 years ago, on July 26, 1990. The Americans With Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several locations. Including, employment, public transportation, accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government' programs and services. This is what the ADA covers. A lot of people with disabilities are proud of having this law in place. But, have become very frustrated with how the system has been going for the past Thirty years. Since it has been signed and there is a lot of sprucing up to do. Like, we had mentioned the nine yards, this is about the amount of space given to people with disabilities over the thirty years, the lack of accessibility in public places. Like, is it too much to accessorize your business, Parking spaces, Public restroom for some, as the list goes on from there? Money isn't meant for hoarding if you can get a clear picture of this situation.
People with disabilities have spoken up Loud! on what their needs are. What's the meaning of equality? giving opportunities and having rights. We as people have rights and need our voices heard Loud And Clear. If all place's can serve everyone regardless of ethnicity, they can take their places accessible for people with disabilities. if you saved up to open up a business, you have enough to accessorize for people with disabilities, or at least save up to accessorize. We're in a world where freedom has become less, and it shouldn't be this way.
Therefore, The American Disabilities Act needs to fill in the cracks--people with disabilities are just likable bodies too. We just need more help with different things. Like, Ramps, Elevators, Employment, Transportation, and the Hundred yards instead of nine yards. What you think maybe a lot really when you come to think about it, it's really not that much to fix's.
Photo's from Deposit photos
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